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Makhabat Kara Balta school_edited.jpg

The following is a testimony of Makhabat, worker from Kara Balta School.

Testimony| December 2023|Kara Balta School

God turned tears to joy.

     My name is Bekchanova Makhabat. I work as a cleaning lady at the "Nariste Christian Secondary Comprehensive School" in Kara-Balta. Every morning from Monday through Friday we have morning devotions for the school staff which are lead by the school coordinator Irina Tachieva. At these meetings we read the Bible, watch videos, and sing Christian songs. I like to attend these meetings very much. I used to talk to Irina a lot about my life, ask her questions, tell her my problems, we prayed together. Irina is always cheerful and smiling and I used to envy her so much and wonder how she does it. When I talked to her, she always answered that it was easier to live with God, she told me a lot about the church.


       I am so grateful to God that on September 17 I came to the church service. During the service I felt so good, I was filled with such warmth and joy. I decided to attend Sunday services regularly and in one of the services I accepted Jesus into my heart. At work everyone noticed a change in me - I stopped whining and complaining about life but began to smile and tell others to go to church and believe in the Lord. I am already a retired woman, I live with my elderly sick mother-in-law in a rented apartment. My mother-in-law is very sick and she needs constant care and because of this I am often tired. I used to cry a lot, even at work, my spiritual coordinator Irina always comforted me, listened to me, we prayed and I felt better. However, it wasn't for long but now that I have given my life to God and started going to services I have enough joy and energy for the whole week. Every day I look forward to the Sunday service. Even my mother-in-law has noticed that I have changed. For example, when it rains many people complain and do not like the weather but I rejoice in God's grace. Of course I realize that I still need to change a lot of things in my life but there are things that God has already delivered me from, He has given me freedom from dirty language. I am so glad I came to work at this school!


      I remember I wanted to quit several times, either because of my mother-in-law or for health reasons but each time God stopped me. I know that Irina Feliksovna prayed for me not to quit her job. And every time I wanted to quit, I was touched either by God's word at the morning fellowship or by a personal conversation with the coordinator. I am very thankful to God for everything in my life and for His church.


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