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From an atheist to a child of God

The following is a testimony about Danil from Tokmok GYM.

This is testimony of changed life girl from small mountain villagein Central Asia.

Testimony| February 2024|GYM Tokmok

My name is Danil Osipov, I am 16 years old, I live in the city of Tokmok, I

study in public college on the 1st year for IT major. I love to play sports such as

athletics, Frisbee, and volleyball. Before I found out about the Gym, I had a not

very good company where my friends drank alcoholic drinks, used bad words and

smoked. So seeing all this, I also wanted to try it all. I spent a lot of time with them

but I did not try anything myself, I was really afraid of my parents.

I learned about the Gym through my friend Oleg, he told me that there are all

kinds of clubs, I was interested in it and started to go to Frisbee club. After a while

I found out that Gym is having Sunday meetings with youth and children. In the

beginning I didn't really want to go to the Sunday services, I thought that there

would be nothing interesting. However, I decided to go once and see what they do

and what they talk about. And surprisingly I liked the atmosphere there, everyone

is friendly, everyone pays attention to everyone, and so all this atmosphere is held

over a cup of coffee. I also really liked the topics that are covered and talked about

at the Sunday meetings.

Thanks to Gym I learned about God, even though I was still an atheist at that

time I began to attend Sunday meetings more and more. I noticed that God began

to show Himself to me, to reveal Himself to me, He began to knock to my heart

and change my life. I realized that I was not an atheist after all but a Christian who

believed in God, truly believed. At the Gym I learned that Jesus gave His life to

save all people from sin. One day I accepted Jesus into my heart. I also learned that

there were youth meetings in the church, I was very interested and I knew that it

was all for a reason, that God wanted to save me from the life I was living. I started

to go to church and youth meeting there. I really thanks God that he found me and

I thank the Gymnasium for their acceptance.







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