Divine deliverance from addictions
The following is a testimony about Adilya from GYM, Tokmok.

Testimony| April 2024|GYM Tokmok
My name is Adilya Abdrakhimova. I am 14 years old. I live in the city of Tokmok, I study at secondary school №3. My life before God was not good, I was addicted to illegal substances (such as drugs, cigarettes, alcohol). I was very aggressive, impulsive, closed in myself, unconfident, I was quite depressive teenager in my 11-12 years. I was hurting myself in many different ways. In 2021 I was invited to Young Life Clubs, I went there for a year. During that year I heard
about God but did not accept Him as a savior. I learned not to be an introvert there and quit some addictions.
In 2022, after a year of going to Young Life club, I was accepted to their team. In the same year, in the fall, I saw an advertisement (on Instagram) for an anti-Halloween event in the Gym. I decided to come to the event, the team showed
me a video of Jesus Christ crucified on the Cross after the program and there I started to think about Jesus, later I was invited to Sunday services at the Gym, and I began to attend them regularly. I was told more and more about God and His works.
In 2023 year, I accepted Christ at the Gym and started attending local church regularly. After much consideration, I realized that He was the One I had been looking for so long, He redeemed me from sin, He led me to a New Life. For now
- this decision has brought me to the point where I am now. I am attending the Gym ministry regularly and now I am on the Gym’s team. I have found my place and my purpose. I have never taken, and no longer take any illegal substances. I
have become much more patient, accepting of myself, I have become much kinder and more open to society. And most importantly, I am a new creation of God, a Christian and a Servant of God.