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The following is a testimony from Diana, a spiritual coordinator in Ivanovka School.
Testimony | April 2021| Ivanovka School
“Most of the population in our village is Muslim. Since our school has wonderful teachers and a wonderful atmosphere for moral education, many Muslim parents bring their children to study at our school. We have the opportunity to be a light and salt for them, to show them the love of God, and to give them hope.
I have been working at this school for three years. At the beginning of my moral lessons, some children from Muslim families would cover their ears when I talked about Christ because that is what their parents taught them. This year, I have noticed that all the children listen to me and do not cover their ears anymore. I relate this to the fact that Muslim parents have seen the good deeds and Christian attitude. We do not impose religion on children or anyone; we show them the love of their Heavenly Father. The way to the soul of a Muslim is long because they are very prejudiced and wary of Christians. In mosques, they are taught that they should not hear about Christ, should not read the Bible, and Jesus is not the Son of God. In such circumstances, we pray a lot and ask for God's wisdom and Holy Spirit’s guidance so that the Lord shows the ways in which we can approach Muslim hearts. Through these ways, I have noticed that Muslim parents have stopped being afraid of Christian coordinators and have begun to show trust and respect.
I am grateful to you, brothers and sisters, for your moral and financial support, and for your prayers, through which we can bring the light and word of Christ to people in our country!
God bless you!”