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The following is a testimony from Janna Ugai, mother of Tatiana, an 8th-grade student in Kara-Balta Christian School.
Testimony| April 2021| Kara-Balta Christian School
“Our family decided to transfer our daughter Tatiana from the public school to this school three years ago, and we are very happy that our daughter is now surrounded by a good environment. The spread of God's Word and the quality of teaching make this school unique.
Two years ago, my daughter's wrist began to hurt badly on her hand. We went to the local hospital, where we were prescribed treatment, but time passed and there was no result. We went to Bishkek city to another clinic, where we expected improvement after another treatment was prescribed, but instead, her other arm began to hurt. Tatiana's class teacher encouraged us to pray for her healing. She prayed for the girl at school, and we prayed for her healing at home. One day, one of the school spiritual coordinators sent me a message on my phone, telling me that she was praying for our family, for the doctors who were treating my daughter, and for the diagnosis itself. I was touched by her prayer, and I was warmly touched in my heart and happy that our school was so sensitive to the needs of the families of the students. Also, the church group started praying for us. After additional examinations, the doctors determined that my daughter has Raynaud's syndrome. They put her on treatment and she got much better.
We are very grateful to God for answering our prayers and for His care, support and help. Now we know for sure that in the united prayer of Christians, God hears our needs and answers in His time. Praise and glory to our Lord”.